NICOZINE is a Digital Web3 Fashion Project by Nicola Formichetti

About the Zine:

NICOZINE is a new digital Web3 fashion magazine of the future where creatives are handpicked and showcased by Nicola, powered by Web3 Technology. The Web3 magazine as a form democratizes the profits, with unlockable content to the full digital downloadable magazine.

Join us on this new adventure led by Nicola through downloading NICOZINE issues to be released as digital collectibles. As a NICOZINE holder, get behind the scenes looks, interviews, photoshoots, videos and invitations to IRL events.

Why Web3?

Web3 is important because it gives creatives ownership of digital assets like never before. We wanted to utilize this technology in a new way and apply the digital collectables idea to limited edition high fashion magazines.

Web3 is decentralized so instead of large swathes of the internet controlled and owned by centralized entities, ownership gets equally distributed amongst its creators, allowing full end-to-end creative freedom and control.

About Nicola:

Nicola has made a lasting mark as a leader in fashion innovation and the mixing of tech with art and entertainment. No matter where his ventures have taken him, Nicola has always viewed magazines as a core element of his DNA. His interest in fashion was born from his obsession with publications such as i-D magazine and Dazed and Confused, and he began his own career in fashion at Dazed.

Through Nicola’s 20 year career, he has witnessed and been a part of the evolution and changes within the fashion publication industry. Now he’s ready to explore how he envisions the “magazine of the future” to look like…


Nicola Formichetti, Founder
Domen & Van De Velde, Photography
Folio, Digital Collectables Production
Joey Primiani, Founder Folio
Hunter Clem, Styling
Non Kuramoto, Interviewer & Writer
Ely Lara, Digital Magazine Artist
Ryan Davi, Typography
Here is a small caption for this image.



テクノロジーとアートを交差させ、ファッション界のイノベーションの促進を絶え間なく率いてきたニコ ラ。変幻自在に様々な業界で作品を発表している彼だが自分のDNAの核にあるのはマガジンだと語 る。ファッションに対する興味はファッション誌『i-D』や『Dazed and Confused』から生まれ、ファッショ ン界に彼自身が入るキッカケになったのも『Dazed』での仕事であった。 

20年間ファッション誌に携わってきて、時代や業界の変化の渦中にいた彼だからこそ見える「未来の 雑誌の在り方」。原点回帰であり新たなスタート地でもあるNICOZINEでその可能性を図る。 

Web3.0の技術とパンク・ジンの魂を融合していわゆるファッション誌の概念をぶっ壊す。直感とニコ ラの「好き」をなによりも大切にして作る、今までの媒体に求められてきたルールなどを完全無視した ファン・ジンとして始まるNICOZINE。マガジン制作の過程においてクリエイティブな仲間との出会い やコラボレーションに一番トキメキ、ニコラが個人的に惹かれる才能を持つ人にスポットライトを当て たいという気持ちを自由に具現化できる場所が今ここに。Web3.0を取り入れることでこのジンを作り 上げる人材に収益が平等に行き渡るという側面も彼の価値観を体現している。

NICOZINEをデジタルコレクティブルとして購入、ダウンロードするとニコラ・フォルミケッティの新境地 を共に開拓することが可能に。ホルダーには制作現場の裏話やIRLイベントへの招待など、 NICOZINEコミュニティの一員としての特典も。